Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sept 23 2008-Another Small Fish & A Mermaid

Todays company on the "Walkabout" was Leslie and her daughter Skylar. The day was perfect for a fishing trip out on Lake Muskoka. Skylar was very intent on catching that elusive big Bass! She did have a fish on but was unable to get it on the boat for a photo shoot.
This was the best we could do. Notice the size of the lure in relation to the size of the Bass.

What's this? A Lake Muskoka Mermaid?
After a quick picture this one was live released back into the Lake.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sept 17 2008-More Small Fish

Another day out on the water to try and find the big ones. Rick started the day off with a little Smallmouth Bass. And another small one. Rick was commenting on the fact that he has never caught a fish on a blue lure. He has now.
Heading back to the dock we decided to troll. And a good thing we did! I was able to catch a 27 inch Pike and avoid being skunked. Still looking for the big September Bass. Maybe next week!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sept 16 2008-Oh Where-O-Where?

Oh Where-o-Where have the big fish gone? September is supposed to be the month of feeding frenzies for the big fish to fatten up for the winter. I can not seem to locate them at all. I've tried dying weed beds, weedy-rocky transition areas, weedy-sandy transition areas, rocky points, drop-off areas, and along shoals. Where are they?
In the meantime, here are a couple of small fish I have managed to find.
One little Pike! And one little Bass!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sept 3 2008-A Beautiful Day!

What a beautiful morning! In this picture the sun was not quite up yet but the lake was calm and the mist was rising up from the water. The first fish of the morning was a cute 15" Smallmouth Bass. It weighed somewhere around the 2 lb mark.
My second fish of the morning was another 15 " Smallie! This was also the last fish of the day but the weather was just so perfect we couldn't help but enjoy ourselves even without catching more fish. The sun was shining, the breeze was light, and the temperature was in the mid 20's.
What a beautiful day!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sept 2 2008-Now That's a Fish Story

Now here is a fish story! I was using a #7 jointed floating orange Rapala casting around a small weed bed and I caught both of these small Bass at the same time. Not only did I catch them on the same cast, several other Bass followed them in to see what was going on. The very next cast I caught this fella. That was all she wrote for the rest of the morning!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Sept 1 2008-Small Bass & Big Pike

It was a day of very small bass. Here is Rick holding up our double header of two very tiny dinks. Here is my biggest Bass. It is very hard to see the lure I used to catch this fella, but it has a Home Hardware logo on the side of it. This is an eco friendly lure. The Bass didn't agree.
Here is Ricks biggest Bass.
Finally! A big Pike for Rick! A 31 inch, 7 lb 4 oz Beauty.
And this is my largest Pike in a while! This was 33 1/4 inches and weighed in at just over 8 lb.
We caught a total of 9 small Bass & 2 nice Pike!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Aug 27 2008- Candice

Wednesday morning, the sun is shining, and my boat just looks a whole lot better for some reason. This is Candice and today we are going to try to catch us a monster bass or two. Candice catches the first Smallmouth Bass of the day. A whopping 15 inches long weighing 2 lb.
Another whopping 15 inch Bass. This is Candice holding up my fish because she looks better than me.
This is the same fish with me holding it up! Which picture would you rather look at?
We both had a few other fish bite but we couldn't get them into the boat. A great day and great company!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Aug 20 2008-Day of Dinks

Rick and I went out to Lake Muskoka to catch the big one. All we caught were " Dinks."
Dinks are fish that are not big enough to even consider measuring. Another Dink!
Another Dink!
The Segwun. What a beautiful boat! Not a Dink!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Aug 17 2008-The Missing Hat

I had a couple of hours to kill this morning before heading back home to begin stripping my deck down to bare wood so I can get a couple of coats of stain on it. For the first time this summer the weatherman is telling us that we will have a few days of no rain.
Back to fishing. First fish is a 15 1/2 inch Smallmouth Bass weighing 2 lb 1oz. Second fish ( and last fish ) is a huge 13 inch Bass.
But, the real story of the day is the discovery of Udo's lost hat. Yesterday we saw an object in the water that looked like a piece of a pool noodle. Shortly after that Udo noticed his hat disappeared. It was windy and we assumed the pool noodle must have been his hat that somehow blown off the boat. This story however has a happy ending. His hat was hiding underneath the seat and has been returned to its owner.