Sunday, April 27, 2014

March 18 2014-Happy Birthday Udo!

 Today is Udo's Birthday and what a better way to spend it. Fishing! First fish of the day caught by Udo.
 Second fish of the day!
 Third fish of the day.
 Happy Birthday Udo!
Udo caught four Lake Trout and I caught two. These two fish went home with Udo to join him for dinner. Did I mention that we stayed nice and warm!

Friday, April 18, 2014

March 11 2014-Lake Joe

 Today I am fishing on Lake Joe with Joanne and Daryl. First thing on the agenda: set up Kimo 3.
 Next: set up all the fishing lines.
 Next: sit inside where it is nice and warm and wait for the fish to bite.
 Next: after staying in the warm hut and no bites, it's time for a few photos.
Next: one more picture and it's time to pack up and go home. No fish; but at least we were not cold!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Jan 14 2014-Eskimo Quickfish 3

 First day of fishing in 2014! Fishing with Udo on Bluege Lagoon with our new ice fishing shelter; the Eskimo Qickfish 3. Now named "Kimo 3". Sets up in 3 minutes.
 Nice and toasty in here!
 First fish of the season caught by Udo, A nice plump Rainbow Trout!
 Udo, fish, and "Kimo 3"
Me holding Udo's fish. I took it home for dinner! Only caught 1 fish: but we had a great time and stayed warm!