Tuesday, September 23, 2014

July 22 2014-Tegan's Annual Fishing Trip

 Once again it's time for Tegan's annual fishing trip! Karin and Tegan waiting while we get the boat ready to go.
 After a little fishing ( no bites ) it's off to Eilene Gowan Island for a swim.
 After a swim it's picnic time. Kentucky Fried Chicken and Cake.
 Tegan helps catch the first Pike of the day.
This is Tegan's Pike. She hooked the fish by herself and landed it! Not quite ready to hold it up on her own yet. Way to go Tegan! We had a fun day. See you next year!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

July 16 2014-Udo's Work day?

 Today is a work day for Udo. He is painting a cottage on an island and his boat is in for service. He needed a ride to work, I was off and offered to take him out. However, it was raining, and we all know you can't paint in the rain. So, lets fish untill the rain stops. A Perch caught on a perch lure. It rained all morning, so we decided to call it quits and head home.
 After dropping him off at the George Rd Dock, I headed back to the marina. On the way back I came across this Deer.
 Not too concerned about me getting close for another shot.
 Trolling back to the marina I caught a nice Pike.
This fish came home for dinner!