Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Aug 26 2012-Breakfast at P.K. Lodge

Today we are going to Patterson-Kaye Lodge for a buffet breakfast on the patio!

We parked the boat at their dock. The water level is so low, the boat is actually on the bottom!
Breakfast is served!

Our view looking towards the George Road public boat launch! Great meal, and now back to Allport Marina to pick up Diane and Floyd for a 3 hour cruise!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Aug 23 2012-Hi Udo

It is a warm but breezy day and Joanne catches the first Perch of the day.

If Joanne can catch a small perch, then I can catch a small Bass!

That's better, a nice Pike!

If I can catch a nice Pike, then Joanne can catch a nice Bass.

We were fishing near to where Udo was painting a cottage. Hi Udo!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Aug 21 2012-Tegan's First Fish-Part 1

We are gathered here for Tegan's annual fishing trip on the "Walkabout"

Joanne catches the first fish of the day!

Tegan giving the fish a goodbye kiss so it will grow bigger and bite again!

At the dock on Eilean Gowan Island for a Pee, Lunch, and a Swim.

Great picnic lunch, and now for a swim.

Aug 21 2012-Tegan's First Fish-Part 2

After lunch Tegan sat at the end of the dock and checked the water temperature.

Water is warm enough for a quick swim

Tegan's first fish!

Tegan caught this Bass all by herself. I'm not sure who was more excited! She caught it using a "Bomber"

Joanne finished the day off with another small Bass. She caught this one all by herself as well. Great day, Great fun!