Monday, February 29, 2016

Sept 2 2015-Fish/Swim/Picnic Lunch

 Daryl and Lian are in from Edmonton, being it a beautiful day and a couple of hours to kill, lets go out on the boat. I always catch at least 1 Bass. 
 Time for something to eat.
 Heading for a swim.
 Now that's a little different! a Pool Noodle Seat.
Still enjoying a swim and the Lady Muskoka going by in the background.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sept 1 2015- Sept? Already!

 It's hard to believe it's already a Sept day. And it is a beautiful day. Lets start off with a nice Bass.
 And Udo catches a nice Bass.
 Shortly after that I managed to get another one. Add that one to Udo's and it's almost a double header.
 Wow, the fish just keep biting. Another one for Udo!
Yes, and another one one for Udo. We never left Summer Island and we caught 4 more Bass before packing it in. What a day!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Aug 19 2015-Riley's First Trip To The Vet

 While Joanne took Riley to the vets, Udo and I headed out to the lake for a little fishing. Not too much to brag about here.
 Another small Bass. At least it was a little bigger than mine.
 Now we know why the fish are hard to find. The Coast Guard have been moving the marker buoys around and confusing us all.
Riley at the vets. All is good!