I haven't been fishing for a while, but I figured I should let you know that I am still alive and well! Here are a few cool shots of a Lipstick Plant growing in my spare bedroom.
'Tis the saddest time of the year. Getting the boat ready for bed for the winter.Now I can spend the next few months starring at all the photos and wishing for Spring.
Thanksgiving Sunday and a beautiful one at that! I decided to take the boat out for a good run just to be sure the motor wasn't going to give me any trouble. However, before leaving the dock I made a couple of casts just to see if there was only fish around.And there was! Just a little fella, but it was a fish. Like I said, it was a beautiful day! The motor worked great!
The number of days left are becoming fewer and fewer. So Rick and I went in my boat to try our luck on Lake Muskoka. However; after leaving the dock the motor decided to quit and we had to paddle back to the dock. Fortunately; we only got a few hundred yards away and paddling a Pontoon boat is not easy. We determined the problem was the fuel line.So I picked a new fuel line on my next day off along with a couple of new spark plugs. Now we are ready for next Sunday.See you then!
Today Rick and I went out for our final day of Lake Trout fishing. The season ends on Sept 30 and my next day off is not untill Oct 1. However; the Lake Trout were nowhere to be found. Fortunately; the Smallmouth Bass were down 45 feet where the Lake Trout should have been. Rick caught his largest Smallie; a 2.4 lb beauty.Here I am holding Ricks fish.Not only did Rick catch his largest Smallmouth of the season; so did I. This one weighed in at a huge 4.2 lb.This monster was caught in 45 feet of water. Even Rick had a big smile for this one!
Today I went fishing with my no good brother-in law Andy. Andy started the morning off with a Pike caught right off the end of the dock using a tube jig.I caught this 2.4 lb Smallmouth Bass using a tube jig .Andy caught this 1.4 lb Smallmouth Bass trolling.And this monster Pike measuring 38 1/2 inches was also caught trolling.
Although we weren't offically sure of the exact weight, we figured around 16 lb. Great fish, biggest one on my blog this year.
With only a couple of weeks left for Trout fishing; Rick & I decided to go out & try to catch a few of these great eating fish. As you can see, we had some success. They were all fairly small; but perfect size for the dinner table.
I went fishing on Sunday by myself. ( Needed a little peace & quiet ) I managed to catch 2 Pike & 2 Smallmouth Bass. Unfortunately these fish were all too small to make the photo album. Fortunately; Barry has given me permission to use some of his pictures instead. These are awesome shots.
Rick and I went to Lake Joe today to see if the Lake trout were still in the mood the bite. Yes, they were! But first, here is Rick holding up his very first fish caught while fishing with me. It wasn't big but it was beautiful!Rick nets and holds up my first Lake trout of the day. A lovely 3 lb fish for dinner. Although Rick did a good job netting this one, he missed 2 other trout about the same size.
I went fishing today with Udo on Lake Muskoka in his boat. Here is an action shot of him getting ready to catch the big one!Here he is with a 3.4 lb Smallmouth Bass. And here he is with a 2.0 lb Smallmouth Bass. This is me holding up the same 3.4 lb Bass. Haven't caught a Pike lately. Oops, just did. 3.2 lb.
Another day of fishing alone. I haven't had too many of those this year. Today the fish were biting pretty good. I landed 5 Smallmouth Bass and lost another 3. The last one I lost was right in front of the boat. I got a good look at it as it jumped out of the water and spit the hook.Maybe around 3 lb. This Bass weighed 1.4 lb.This fella was a little larger. It weighed 1.5 lb.Here's another nice Bass. Weighed in at 2.8 lb. And finally this Bass tipped the scales at 2.7 lb.
Today was one of those days that I felt like a little quiet time. So I took Maggie with me. Unfortunately she didn't catch anything. However I managed to catch a couple of really nice Smallmouth Bass. This one weighed 2.5 lb.This one weighed 2.4 lb. Almost close enough to be called twins.