Everyone was busy, so I " had " to go fishing all alone! I started fishing along the shoreline with no success until I reached some docks. And there they were! I caught 2 Smallies under one dock. Both were pretty small, but it was a start.Under the next dock there was only about 8 " of water, but there was one big Smallie. This one was 18" long long and weighed 3lb 4 oz. Nice!
This one was caught in open water near the red marker bouy. It was 14" long.
Back to the docks and I pulled out another one. This was another nice fish. It was 16" long and weighed 2 lb 4 oz.
Before heading back to the marina I managed to catch another couple of small ones. All together I was able to land 8 Smallmouth Bass and lose a few others. All were live released! I have no idea where the Pike went.
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